This list is designed for students who are thinking of buying a textbook or expanding their library.
A longer Bibliography, including Journal research articles, is at the end of the Rate of the CRI post on this site.
Selected Bibliography
Arbuckle, Beryl: The selected writings 1944-58 American Academy of Osteopathy, Newark, Ohio, 1977
Barral, Jean-Pierre and Croibier, Alain: Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves, Churchill Edinburgh, 2009
Cohen, Don: An introduction to Craniosacral Therapy, North Atlantic, Berkeley, 1995
Feely, Richard A: Clinical Cranial Osteopathy, Cranial Academy, Meridian, Idaho, 1988
Fulford, Robert: Are we on the path? Cranial Academy, Indianapolis, 2003
Fuller, David: Swedenborg’s Brain and Sutherland’s Cranial Concept, Annual Meeting of the Swedenborg Scientific Association, 26/4/08 (journal article)
Gehin, Alain: Atlas of Manipulative Techniques of the Cranium and Face, Eastland, Seattle, 1981
Jordan, Theodore: Swedenborg’s influence on Sutherland’s ‘Primary Respiratory Mechanism’ model in cranial osteopathy, JAOA, 2009 (journal article)
Kimberly, Paul: Outline of the Cranial Concept, Cranial Academy, Meridian, Idaho, 1950
Magoun, Harold I Snr: Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, 3rd Ed., Journal Printing Co, Kirksville, 1976
Manheim, Carol J and Lavett, Diane K: The Self Healing Body, Slack Inc. Thorofare, New Jersey 1989
Milne, Hugh: The Heart of Listening, North Atlantic, Berkley, 1995
Paoletti, Serge: The Fasciae, Eastland, Seattle, 2006
Pick, Marc: Cranial Sutures, Eastland, Seattle, 1999
Retzlaff, Ernest: The Cranium and its sutures, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987
Schultz, R. Louis and Feitis, Rosemary: The endless web, North Atlantic, Berkley, 1996
Schwind, Peter: Fascial and Membrane Technique, Churchill, Edinburgh, 2006
Sperber, Geoffrey: Craniofacial embryology 3rd ed, Wright, Bristol, 1981
Sutherland, Ada Strand: With thinking fingers, Cranial Academy, Kansas City, 1962
Sutherland, William Garner: The Cranial Bowl (1939) reprint by The Free Press Company, Mankato, Minnesota, 1986
Sutherland, William Garner: Teachings in the science of Osteopathy, Rudra, Portland, 1990
Sutherland, William Garner: Contributions of Thought 2nd ed, Rudra, Portland 1998
Upledger, John: Craniosacral Therapy, Eastland, Seattle, 1983
von Piekartz, Harry and Bryden, Lyn: Craniofacial Dysfunction & Pain, Butterworth, Oxford, 2001