
Learning Craniofascial Therapy

Find out more, whether you already have a package of skills and experience, or if you are less experienced and are checking out ‘cranial’ as a possibility to explore and learn.

Cranial mobility known in ancient times?

Have we forgotten about cranial bone mobility? View pictures of an ancient skull from Bulgaria with the sphenoid bone removed and learn what this represents

Did Sutherland invent Craniosacral?

William Garner Sutherland and cranial therapy - his pioneering role re-evaluated and compared to Descartes, Swedenborg, Cottam and Upledger

Intention in Craniosacral Therapy

Read an article that examines the role of therapist intention in Reiki, massage, Biodynamic Craniosacral and other cranial approaches to healing.

Biogenic magnetite

Benefits of Craniofascial Therapy

How might CFT help me? Read about cranial symptoms, fascial strain and other particular dysfunctions suited to treatment with Craniofascial

Right Scoliosis Capitus

Original Research based on clinical observation. Why does the Sphenoid usually display a right lateral strain pattern?

The rate of the Cranial Rhythm

"I always thought that everyone knew that the CRI runs at about 8 to 12 cycles per minute, so when treating a brain-damaged patient with a CRI which I think is running at 3 cycles per minute, it would at least be nice to know what 'normal' might be."

Measuring the rate of the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse

Briefly analyses the literature and evidence to discuss differences of opinion on the typical speed of the Cranial Rhythm